速報APP / 工具 / GSM Trinket

GSM Trinket





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Россия Северодвинск 164500

GSM Trinket(圖1)-速報App

Since January 1, 2019 publishing of applications that use permissions to send and receive SMS-messages is prohibited. This fact adds a few limitation on application functional. Install the app to know what can you do with it.

The application is intended for controlling GSM-devices through SMS-commands and DTMF-commands. It looks like trinket with buttons.

GSM Trinket(圖2)-速報App

- Since version 4.0, application pin-code length is fixed - 4 digits. If you update application from 3.x version to 4.x and in 3.x version of the app you had a pin-code, which length is more than 4 digits, then you should enter only first 4 digits of your old pin-code. If your old pin-code length is less than 4 digits, you should adding "0" (zero) in the end of your old pin-code, until its length became equal 4 digits.You can:

- add a few trinkets to control multiple GSM-devices and switch between them by sliding the screen

GSM Trinket(圖3)-速報App

- add, edit or remove any SMS-command and DTMF-command

- setup schedule for any SMS-command by days of week

GSM Trinket(圖4)-速報App

- protect the application with pin-code or fingerprint

- set up notification repetition, for the case when incoming message is unread

GSM Trinket(圖5)-速報App

- see object's position on the map (if your GSM-device send its location)

- select sim-card for sending sms-commands to each GSM-device

GSM Trinket(圖6)-速報App